CEIP Menéndez Pelayo

Participative research project in Nursery and Primary school

image/svg+xml Educación Infantil Deliberación CO-LABORATORIO DE INCLUSIÓN Descripción Dialogando sobre participación, compartir aprender y caminar juntos. Sesión de documentación. Consulta difusión Evaluación, Educación Primaria ¿Qué queremos investigar? ¿porqué? Conocíéndonos

This project, which is running along 4 scholar years, involves a great number of teachers and students from CEIP Menéndez Pelayo (Torrelavega). There were 9 tutors involved from nursery and primary education with her students. Together with them were two researchers from the University of Cantabria (In-Pares group) working.

This project emerged from the school interest of promoting educational improvements by listening to the students. In the first year the school wanted to change the schoolyard. They aimed to create a schoolyard which invites people to stay in contact with nature and many different activities and games. Instead of the concrete schoolyard that mainly holded space for football play that they have in that moment. In order to complete this objective teachers, students and families were working together. Here we show how two nursery and two primary education classrooms were listened to. They are trying to show the path taken and the lessons learned from query, deliberation and decision-making. It is also shown the proposals that emerged and were shared in the school’s larger project. After this first incursion, a group of teachers wanted to continue several more courses, transferring the listening and the improvements shared to the day of their classroom. At this time, a 2-year classroom and two classrooms of the third cycle of primary education are incorporated. 

The author

Equipo de trabajo del proyecto InclusionLab, Co-laboratorio de inclusión

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