Fase de evaluación, CEIP Elena Quiroga, Evaluation and Dissemination

Assessment phase

You can consult the document in Spanish that we have created in this link:

Document on the Assessment Phase

[aesop_audio title=”Listen to us talking about the project (in Spanish)” src=”https://inclusionlab.unican.es/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Evaluacion-Proyecto-EQ-16-17.mp3″ loop=”off” viewstart=”off” viewend=”off” hidden=”off”]

Audio transcription

Student: It’s a very long process, a very, very…

Student: First we had chosen ‘Change your words and you will change your school’ but in the end we chose ‘Change your words and your surroundings will change’.

Student: Because it is not only at school but where you live, around, where you relate.

Student: With parents…

Student: That of the parents…

You liked the parents the most. And you?

Student: For me what I liked the most: the cardboard [installation based on cardboard in the school] because as A said so well we are not only doing good to our surroundings and our school but also to the environment.

Student: What I liked the most was the cardboard because it was like… collecting good things, because it gave you something like energy, the good things they said to people…

Student: And not only have we been doing plastic arts, but also other subjects, such as: when we counted we did maths, when we wrote we did language.

Student: When we made the presentation, oral language…

Student: Well, for me, what I liked the most is how we have all been very united, the whole class very united, because it is… I mean… help, but it helps at that moment… because, we all got together for… well, for me it has been more like a lot of living together.

Student: It was incredible, because you have never seen us in your life… we have been seen in such a united class, that is, all on our side…

[Interruption with greetings] Hello… Hello…

CIS José Hierro, Improvement Project, an individual script

Build the initial script

Last June 5th we met again at the University of Cantabria to continue working on our project.

For various reasons we met 6 people.

We made a pooling of the resources we already have and those we want to produce or get organized in four themes:

How is vis a vis?

How does it affect me?

How does it affect others?

how could it be?

In this same session we propose to produce an initial example of what the explanation of the process could be.

How is the vis a vis process?

We look for photos and build the scene that we animated manually while the explanation was being made.

We want more, we have many ideas!

CIS José Hierro, Democratic deliberation process, an individual script

Design the family interview

On Monday 8 May 2017 we met again at the University of Cantabria.

The first thing we did was to review the summary for the web of the previous session, we also took the opportunity to look back at the photos we took in that session and to comment on them and get a caption to place them on the web.

We talk about the “resource box” of each one, about filling it with photos, videos, texts and an individual interview of each one and (at their choice) of the one of a relative or other person of their environment close to their choice.

Then we dedicate ourselves to design among all of us the interview we want to do to the reference persons or relatives that the group wants to interview, what do we want to know?

We spent a lot of time writing the questions so that they would be understood and that they would help us to obtain the information we wanted.

We also put them in the most appropriate order and asked ourselves who should do the interview with the relatives.

Angela, Teresa and Julia will be in charge of this task.

This is a sample of that design process…
(see audio sample [pending review]
and development sequence at: slides in Spanish):

Finally, we organized ourselves to be able to conduct individual interviews with each of the participants about the vis a vis experience during this month.

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