Inclusion and training. Actions and ressources.

Inclusión y discapacidad:
formación para el empleo
The training programme for the employment and inclusion of young people with intellectual disabilities at the University of Cantabria aims to expand the opportunities for training and, therefore, social and employment integration of this group. Specifically, the formative experience is aimed at promoting and developing general competences for participation in different social contexts, as well as the development of professional competences that facilitate access to ordinary working environments.
The Training Course for Entering the World of Work has been developed during four academic courses in the classrooms of the Faculty of Education. The training of young people has involved teachers from different faculties, the PAS, and the business fabric of Cantabria.
The annual programme is part of a call included in the 2014 Youth Employment Operational Programme2020 for the training of young people with intellectual disabilities and is financed by the European Social Fund and the ONCE Foundation within the UNIDIVERSIDAD project, in which various Spanish universities participate.