I+D+i 2019 project

¿What are we forgetting when we talk about inclusive education?:
Authorship (Universidad): Grupo I+D+i 2019.
The main objective of this project is to explore, describe and interpret the main policies and practices related to educational inclusion that are appreciated in the Autonomous Community of Cantabria and the Basque Country.
For this we propose a study based on a participatory methodology that combines two complementary moments:
Descriptive-interpretative phase (phase 1 and 2) (in process):
A collaborative report on regional policies on inclusion and socio-educational exclusion is being prepared with the participation of multiple actors (school management teams, teachers, administrators, third sector entities, students and families and politicians). This initial study concludes with the identification of priorities for action against educational exclusion in each region.
Participatory and local interpretive-transformative phase (phase 3 and 4):
The aim is to develop participatory improvement projects in response to the needs identified in the previous phases. We will now work on local projects of entities and institutions of early childhood and educational programs for young education system.